Thursday 29 October 2009

A Lucky Baby .-

A few days ago I saw on TV news that a baby carriage, with a baby inside, fell down to the subway rail just seconds before the subway arrived. As I heard, that horrible thing happened in Australia and it was really shocking because the mother was on the side of the baby carriage but she left it alone a few seconds and the carriage moves to the rail. But, definitively, the most surprising about that new is that the baby gets away of that unharmed. How many people have died in the world because of the subway? So.. how is possible for a little baby in his carriage to get away from that incident ALIVE and UNHARMED?! I was really shocked with the images, but after I knew that the baby was still alive and that he has no injures I was even more surprised.

As you could see on the video below, there were a few people watching that situation. I thought, there was the mother, who run behind the carriage when it started to move, and there were another people that were probably waiting for the subway to take it.

I don't think that this piece of news affectes my community, city or country, because it's just a situation that happened to somebody in specifical. Maybe that after that news, mothers and father will take more care of their children's carriages to avoid the horror of see their baby knocked down by a subway or any other transport.

I don't really know what piece of news I would like to hear, read or watch on TV, because I think that life just happens and you can't live expecting something to happened. Anyway, sometimes I like to dream and I think that it would be funny if one day a friend of mine appears on TV saying that he or she will be the next Chile president.

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