Tuesday 17 November 2009

Academic Twenty O Nine .-

We are now so close to the end of the year and many people are interested on buy their christmas presents or organizated their holidays.. am I too? NO! I'm now a little worried about the end of this academic year that seems a little more complicated than last year's ending. I thought that's because last year we had less subjects and that means less books to read, less works to do and less tests too. But now.. I'm really exhausted and I just want to end classes as soon as possible but without left any subject behind, of course!

I could describe my academic 2009 year as a rollercoaster in many ways. At first, I slept a lot sometimes and other times I went to University without sleeping even a minute the night before. Also, I red lot of texts to some tests and prepare myself to give my best, but in other cases I really don't care of the marks I get in a test and I luckily red the class notes. That point brought us to another confession I had to make. When I spoke of 'class notes' I don't mean that it was MY OWN class notes, because many times it was someone's class notes. The reason is very simple: I get used to don't go to classes because I couldn't wake up right on time to arrive well. My fault, I'm sorry.

This year, I also feel that we started having subjects that are more related to sociology than subjects we had last year. That made the career more interesting and I could check that I really like sociology! When this year began I was thinking of change my career and study something related with journalism or cinema, but after having some interesting classes that made me get into real sociology I definitively decided to continue study this and if conditions allow it, working on anything related with sociology once I graduate.

I couldn't end this blog entry without talking about friends I made this year. I believe that they are an important part of my academic year because, it's true that I've met them last year, but I realize just this year how much I love them and how important they are for me. Also, I get close t some new people and I lost another friends for different reasons (the most significant was a friend that decided to change her career and left sociology's studies before the first term end).

Finally, comparing the good and the bad points of this academic year, I must say - for sure - that it was a really good year. I have now more faith on me in topics related to sociology and, most important, I UNDERSTAND AND LIKE IT! Anyways I had to admit that my lack of organization is an obstacle I must get over as soon as possible because it probably will play negative on me. I should also regularized my sleep hours to arrive on time to classes next year. I said 'next year' because this year is almost ending and there are no many classes left, so I preffer now to sleep.. BUT NEXT YEAR IT WILL CHANGE! So, I really like this academic year, it brings me a lot of surprises (most of them were good ones) and I'm now very excited on continue learning more and more.

Thanks for reading this blog!
Be careful and happy!

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