Tuesday 17 November 2009

Academic Twenty O Nine .-

We are now so close to the end of the year and many people are interested on buy their christmas presents or organizated their holidays.. am I too? NO! I'm now a little worried about the end of this academic year that seems a little more complicated than last year's ending. I thought that's because last year we had less subjects and that means less books to read, less works to do and less tests too. But now.. I'm really exhausted and I just want to end classes as soon as possible but without left any subject behind, of course!

I could describe my academic 2009 year as a rollercoaster in many ways. At first, I slept a lot sometimes and other times I went to University without sleeping even a minute the night before. Also, I red lot of texts to some tests and prepare myself to give my best, but in other cases I really don't care of the marks I get in a test and I luckily red the class notes. That point brought us to another confession I had to make. When I spoke of 'class notes' I don't mean that it was MY OWN class notes, because many times it was someone's class notes. The reason is very simple: I get used to don't go to classes because I couldn't wake up right on time to arrive well. My fault, I'm sorry.

This year, I also feel that we started having subjects that are more related to sociology than subjects we had last year. That made the career more interesting and I could check that I really like sociology! When this year began I was thinking of change my career and study something related with journalism or cinema, but after having some interesting classes that made me get into real sociology I definitively decided to continue study this and if conditions allow it, working on anything related with sociology once I graduate.

I couldn't end this blog entry without talking about friends I made this year. I believe that they are an important part of my academic year because, it's true that I've met them last year, but I realize just this year how much I love them and how important they are for me. Also, I get close t some new people and I lost another friends for different reasons (the most significant was a friend that decided to change her career and left sociology's studies before the first term end).

Finally, comparing the good and the bad points of this academic year, I must say - for sure - that it was a really good year. I have now more faith on me in topics related to sociology and, most important, I UNDERSTAND AND LIKE IT! Anyways I had to admit that my lack of organization is an obstacle I must get over as soon as possible because it probably will play negative on me. I should also regularized my sleep hours to arrive on time to classes next year. I said 'next year' because this year is almost ending and there are no many classes left, so I preffer now to sleep.. BUT NEXT YEAR IT WILL CHANGE! So, I really like this academic year, it brings me a lot of surprises (most of them were good ones) and I'm now very excited on continue learning more and more.

Thanks for reading this blog!
Be careful and happy!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

The Socio Challenge.-

Sociology as a carreer in this University has to face a lot of challenges everyday. They could be organised in three principal points: technology, social matters and education. Let's talk about each one of them:

When I said that Sociology has a technology challenge, I mean that there are a little problems in the school frame. For example, there aren't enough computers for all the students, so many times you have to wait till someone left one behind and then you could use it while another student wait for one computer as you did before. In fact, this year a lot of new computers arrived to the Social Sciences Faculty, but they never considerated that there are some subjects of the career that needs computers classroom (for example: English Class), so many times there are no computers available to use just because there are some students in class making their blogs, papers or works to get high scores.

Other problem associated to technology is that Sociology, as career and as discipline, needs an statistical programa named SPSS. Computers of the Social Sciences Faculty has this program, but there are just 15 licenses to use it, so if you had the very bad luck of open the program number 16, you can't use all the functions and you can either save your advances. It's a little complicated considerating that each year has 40 sociology students, and that every class needs that program.

In order to talk about social matters, I have to say that before I enter to this career, I thought that, at least at this University, taking care of social matters was one of the most important things. I have to admit that there are a lot of instances to help social issues, but they aren't enough. I also see that there are some students that really don't care about social matters, and that's a little strange because it's contradictory with the sociology bases.

Finally, I have to talk about the education I received. There are a lot of goos teachers, but there are also some professors that sometimes I ask myself WHY ARE THEY TEACHING IF THEY REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW OR WHAT TO TEACH? Anyway, the good subjects and professors exceeded the bad so I don't have to claim anymore about that.

I believe that's all I have to say today.
Have a good day !