Thursday 29 October 2009

A Lucky Baby .-

A few days ago I saw on TV news that a baby carriage, with a baby inside, fell down to the subway rail just seconds before the subway arrived. As I heard, that horrible thing happened in Australia and it was really shocking because the mother was on the side of the baby carriage but she left it alone a few seconds and the carriage moves to the rail. But, definitively, the most surprising about that new is that the baby gets away of that unharmed. How many people have died in the world because of the subway? So.. how is possible for a little baby in his carriage to get away from that incident ALIVE and UNHARMED?! I was really shocked with the images, but after I knew that the baby was still alive and that he has no injures I was even more surprised.

As you could see on the video below, there were a few people watching that situation. I thought, there was the mother, who run behind the carriage when it started to move, and there were another people that were probably waiting for the subway to take it.

I don't think that this piece of news affectes my community, city or country, because it's just a situation that happened to somebody in specifical. Maybe that after that news, mothers and father will take more care of their children's carriages to avoid the horror of see their baby knocked down by a subway or any other transport.

I don't really know what piece of news I would like to hear, read or watch on TV, because I think that life just happens and you can't live expecting something to happened. Anyway, sometimes I like to dream and I think that it would be funny if one day a friend of mine appears on TV saying that he or she will be the next Chile president.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Yes, we can!

In Chilean legislation a citizen can vote when he (or she) gets to age 18. I am now 20 years old so I could vote if I wish to, but I'm not registered to do it because I actually don't believe in that way of make political acts. I think that there are other ways to became a country into a better place to live in, for example: just go out and help people who needs you even if the helps just means listen to them for a while.

One thing that it's related to elections and that makes me a little angry are electoral campaings. Candidates that had money never starts electoral campaings when they are allow to do it: they began to do it many weeks before, and I really hate that. I also hate that the streets are plenty of papers with those candidates and the city seems more dirty than it really are.

A person running for president must be, after all, an honest person. He or she may also had another qualities, like charism and, I hope so, the necessary knowledge to take care of the whole country problems.

I've never consider to became a politician, actually it's not an idea of my perfect life. In fact, it makes me feel vary lazy. Anyway, if I should work on a ministry I would like to do it on Cultural Department, because I really like to implement the culture on Chile.

Nowadays, Chile has a lot of problemas that requires attention, for example: poverty, delinquency, violence, education and health. I hope that the next government can solve them in a good way.


Wednesday 7 October 2009

Importance of pets and fridges.-

Today I'm gonna talk about a news I red at

It's headline says: "Social workers to check pets and fridges during suspected child abuse cases".

That piece of news talk about the new precautions that some councils are taken after the death of a baby that was just 17 months old. That children is known as 'Baby P'. In that dramatical case, some agencies that should have noticed the signals of child abuse, didn't do that. So, after that, social workers are being instructed to check carefully some basic elements of houses that might show child abuse cases. For example, social workers have to check the contents of the fridge or recent make-ups of the house.

All this elements are now considerated because the environment when the children grows says a lot of the way the family take care of that children and of all the general family. The way the parents take care of their kids is represented in the way they take care of the house at all.

Besides, social workers are now allowed to take some pictures if it's necessary. They had to check how is the care given to the pets because it is considerated as an indicator to see how much abilities to care the family had.

So, as a summary, it's very important to have social workers well-formed to avoid another dramatical case of child abuse like Baby P's case.