Wednesday 26 August 2009

Let's travel

Transantiago is the newest transport system that exists in Santiago of Chile. The original idea was to take off from the street some of the buses that previously exist and the idea was also to solve, in some way, the air polution trouble.

I think that the original idea was great, but the trouble was that the government didn't realize the impact that this change will produce on the people. People don't like changes and, of course, they began to grumble and to demand that the previously public transport system came back. Obviously, that never happened. But, in spite of, authorities decided to add more buses to the system, so finally, transantiago didn't reach one of its original goals. In that way, we could say that it's not very different from the pre-transantiago system.

Actually, I don't have bad experiencies with transantiago since it started to work. It's true that the buses and the subway are crowed and horrible on the peak hours, but weren't they horrible on the previously transport system? It's true that sometimes you have to wait so long for the bus that you need, but didn't it happen with the previously system? I think that people forgot how the previous system was and, because they don't like changes (me neither), they prefer to fight for the return of the 'yellow buses'.

I think that one of the advantages of transantiago that make one of the biggest difference between it and the previous system, is that you can travel for two hours paying just one ticket. In that way it's true that now you need to transfer from one bus to another or from subway to a bus, etc., but some people also had to do that before transantiago, and they were force to pay anytime a new ticket. Transantiago allows that now they pay just one ticket and, in that way, the travel should be cheaper than before.

Another one of the advantages I found is that now the bus drivers don't make bus races to catch more passengers that the other one. That was a horrible thing that happened with the 'yellow buses' and I'm very grateful that this don't happen anymore.

I really don't know what changes would be applied to the transantiago system in order to make it better. I just think that next time, people should find out the necessary information before start complaining about changes.

That's what I thought.
Thanks and good bye !

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