Wednesday 17 June 2009

My blogging experience.

Hello there! This is the last post I'm gonna write on this blog because the english course is almost finish, so I will not have to write any other post in english.. at least for a while. I'm a little tired of writing about the topics I did write here because it made me think about some things I never thought before and that makes me feel a little dizzy sometimes.

Nevertheless, I enjoy having an english blog, because I like to write in some blogs but I always made it in spanish, not in english as here. I think it is a very funny way to learn how to write correctly in english, because I enjoyed writing in this blog in a language that's not my natural one, and so I easily learnt some things about the english language that I didn't know before. So I think this blog really helps me to improve my english, maybe there is a little difference between the things I knew before and the things I know now, but it's a difference anyway.

One positive point about having an english blog is that you practice all the things that you learned before in the classrom, so you put your own knowledge in the real world and that is a very helpful way to learn another language.. and to learn anything!

Another aspect that I thought necessary to talk about is that this blog made me realize the english subjects I'm weak at, so now I'm more careful when I'm writing in english to don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

I actually don't know what could be consider as a disadvantage of doing an english blog. In fact, I thought that this way of learning english would be applied at schools so childrens would enjoy to learn english because they probably will enjoy to stay in front of a computer. That would made a more funny learning.

That's all I have to say about my blogging experience in this English class. I enjoy it so much. I hope you enjoy reading too!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Paula,
    In my case I have enjoyed reading the posts you and your fellow classmates have written. You have listed some good reasons to write posts in English and I’m glad you liked this experience. I just hope you get a lot more done next semeter.
    Please pay attention to this:
    ( is almost finish)Either: ‘is finished’ or ‘is finishing’ / ‘is writing’ or ‘ is written’/ etc.
    (I always made it in spanish) It’s better if you say: ‘I’ve always made it...’, because you will continue doing it.
    ( I'm more careful (...) to don't make the same mistakes): To express a purpose say: so as not to make, in order not to have, etc.
    (childrens): what’s the correct word? What are the singular and the plural forms?
    (That would made a more funny learning.): (a) Use ‘would’ + simple form of the verb. Ex. would go/ woul see/ etc. (b) Say: make learning more fun. When something is fun you get interested, but when something is funny you laugh.
